The Quick And Easy Guide To Learn Grammar Tense

Today we are going to learn English grammar tense, what is English grammar tense, English grammar tenses with example.

Before we start we would like to let you know why you need to learn grammar tenses because it will help you crack IELTS, helping in a corporate job, competitive exam.

Saying "I eat fish" is not the same as saying "I am eating fish."

But what is the difference?

To understand why these two sentences are different, you need to understand grammar tenses in English.

The grammatical tense in English tells you the moment in which an action takes place. If you are wrong with this, you can cause confusion and misunderstanding.

At first, it may seem difficult to learn grammar tenses in English, although all you have to do is remember some sentence structures and learn a few simple rules.

Start by breaking down the information into easy to understand parts. Let's start with the essentials:
Past, present and future!
In English, there are 3 grammatical times in English that are the basic ones: the past, the present and the future.
·         The past tense is used for any action that occurred before the present.
·         The present tense is used for anything that is happening in these moments or general statements.
  • The future tense is used for everything that will happen at any tenses after the present.
(There is also the perfect tense, although in this article we will only talk about the 3 basic grammar times in English that we mentioned earlier).
Of course, if it were that simple, you wouldn't be reading this guide!
These times have some variations that make them more specific.
These variations describe the exact time at which the action takes place.
The 3 times have 2 types of main variations:  simple and continuous.
·         Continuous times are used for actions that are repeated several times over a period of time.
·         Simple times are used for ... everything else!
You will discover when to use each of them in the following guide.
Since past and present times are closely related, it is best to study them together.
The future tense will appear later in the article.
This is a basic guide that will help you understand when you should use each of these times.

The Definitive Guide For Beginners About English Grammar Tense In English

Simple times
Go back to the first example you saw in this article: "I eat fish". This sentence is in the present simple.
Simple present
The simple present tense is mainly used for 3 things:
1. Describe permanent or never changing things.
2. Describe the regularity with which an action occurs.
3. Talk about scheduled events.
To use this tense, add an -s at the end of the verb when you use the pronouns "he" or "she." For example: "he speaks" (he speaks) or "she eats" (she eats).
With any other pronoun, you don't have to change the verb. Example: "we speak" (we speak) or "I eat" (I eat).
The simple present tense is ideal for talking about your hobbies, communicating something that you think is true or asking what time you can take the bus at the next stop.
Here are some examples: If you like to play the violin, you can say: “I play the violin” (I play the violin). Since this is a hobby, you can add: "I am not a professional violinist". I am not a professional violinist.
Maybe you worry about a friend who bites his nails. In this case, you can affirm: "He bites his nails when he's nervous" (He bites his nails when he's nervous).
You have to get ready quickly if you want to arrive at your friend's party, since she has just called to say: “The party starts in an hour”.
Maybe you should remind your friend to bring a gift, because: "He never remembers birthdays" (he never remembers birthdays).
Simple past
The past simple is used in a manner very similar to the present simple.
Simple past verbs have a -ed (I walked, he smiled). However, there are many irregular verbs that do not use the -ed, so you have to learn them (I spoke, he ate).
This time does not speak of the present, but of an action that occurred or is no longer true.
Use the past simple to describe an action that has already happened.
This description of a trip uses the simple past tense: “Last year I  visited New York. I lived in a hotel for a month. I rode the train, took many pictures and walked all around Central Park. ”
You can also use this time for many of the same reasons that you would use the present simple. The past simple serves to describe a hobby or habit that you have left or something that you no longer believe is true.
The words "used to" are used frequently at this time. You can say it anyway. For example: “I used to play the violin when I was young” means the same as “I played the violin when I was young”.
Continuous times
The word continues refers to an ongoing action that is being developed at this time.
Continuous tense uses the suffix -ing for verbs (eating, speaking), both in the present and in the past.
Wait. If continuous time is passing "right now," how is it possible that there is a continuous past? Keep reading to find out!
Present continuous
You can use the present continuous to talk about an ongoing action that is happening right now or that will happen very soon.
For example: "You are reading this article". “You are drinking some coffee or taking a break from work”. Now an example of actions that will happen very soon: “You might be meeting some friends for dinner”.
You can express the frequency of the action with the words “always” (always) or “constantly” (constantly). For example: "My mother-in-law is always complaining " or "that child is constantly crying ". None of these phrases is good, although they use the correct time!
Past continuous
This time is used to describe a continuous action that was interrupted. If you receive a call late at night, you can say, "I was sleeping last night when I got the call".
You can also use this time to communicate what you were doing at a specific time in the past. Example: "I was already writing at 6 in the morning" or "Yesterday in the evening I was eating dinner" (Last night I was eating dinner).

Looking at the future

The future is any action that has not yet occurred. It can happen in a few seconds or even several years.
Simple future
It is one of the simplest English grammar tenses: you just have to add the words "will" or "is going to" before the verb.
When should you use "will" or "is going to"?
Don't worry, usually either is fine! You can say: "I will call you later" or "I am going to call you later". Both sentences are correct.
The small difference is meaning. "Going to" is used more for planned events. So, in the previous example, the first sentence is improvised (without thinking too much about it) and the second one sounds as if you make sure to call later.
The difference is subtle and there is no problem with using any of the sentences. Just remember that "will" is used more often for promises and things you do on your own, while "going to" is used to make plans.
You can also use any of these phrases to make predictions. For example: "The world will end in ten years". You can also say: "The world is going to end in ten years", although we expect your predictions to be wrong!
Future continuous
The last way to talk about the future has the same uses as the past continuous.
This time serves to talk about things that may be interrupted in the future or events that will occur at a specific time.
Simply add the suffix -ing to the verb after the words "will be" or "going to be".
If you know that your friend comes to visit you tomorrow and at your house dinner is at 7, you can tell him to arrive earlier because: “We will be eating dinner at 7 ″ (We will have dinner at 7). If you decide to wait for him at the train station, tell him: “I  will be waiting for you at the train station”.

A quick summary of English grammar tense in English
Here is a quick list that summarizes everything covered by this article:
Simple present
Something that is immutable, general, programmed or that occurs at certain intervals.
Uses : "verb + s".
Present continuous
Something that is happening now or in the near future.
Uses : "Is + verb + ing".
Simple past
Something that happened before now.
Uses : "Verb-ed".
Past continuous
Something that an event or moment interrupted.
Uses : "Was + verb + ing".
Simple future
Something that will happen later.
Uses: "Will + verb", "Is going to + verb".
Future continuous
Something that an event or the moment will interrupt in the future.
Uses : "Will be + verb + ing", "Is going to be + verb + ing".

We have tried to cover everything here. If you wish to join the classroom for English spoken then click here.

PHEW! Breathe deeply. You just learned a lot!
Pay attention to the way grammatical tenses are used in English. Learn the rules and practice your verbal expression skills and you'll never have misunderstandings about using the wrong time!

PS: Do not have time read now, Download PDF: Click Here

Source: GKBook

A Complete Guide to IELTS- Crack It with Confidence

2.1.2 The Reading Section - IELTS Tips for reading

Let us know IELTS Tips on reading
The Reading exam lasts one hour and consists of 40 questions. The Academic IELTS contains three passages. Even though they are written at a college or university level, the passages do not require in-depth subject matter knowledge. Time management is a key skill for the Academic Reading exam. It can be challenging to read each passage and answer all of the questions in time. The General Training Reading section contains three (or sometimes four) passages. The first focuses on a very basic topic from daily life—information about public transportation, a community notice, etc. The second section contains two short informative passages that are typically related to school, work, or community topics. The third (and possibly fourth) passage is a longer essay or article.
 2.1.3 The Listening Section - IELTS Tips for Listening
Let us know IELTS Tips on Listening
The Academic and General Training IELTS have the same Listening exam. It contains four passages, each with 10 questions (40 questions total). During the first 30 minutes, test-takers listen to the passages and mark answers in their test booklets as they listen. Each recording is played only one time. The first two passages are usually about topics from daily life, while the last two are more academically oriented. The language gets increasingly challenging from the first recording to the last.
After each recording has been played, there is a 10-minute period in which test-takers transfer their answers from the test booklet to the answer sheet. Only answers submitted on the answer sheet will be graded.
2.1.4 The Speaking Section - IELTS Tips for Speaking

Let us know IELTS Tips on Speaking
The IELTS Speaking exam is an in-person interview. It can be scheduled on the same day as the paper exam, or up to one week before or after the paper exam. Check with your local exam center to see when Speaking exam appointments are available for you.
The interview takes 11–14 minutes and contains three sections. In the first section, the interviewer asks very basic questions about general topics: family, hobbies, travel, interests, etc. The second section is a prepared monologue. Test takers have a minute to plan an answer to several prompts related to a specific topic or question. In the third segment of the test, the question and answer format resume. However, this time the questions are more abstract, requiring complex language and vocabulary from you. The questions will relate in some way to the topic of the monologue in the previous section.
2.1.5 The Writing Section - IELTS Tips for Writing

Let us know IELTS Tips on Writing

The IELTS Writing exam involves writing two short passages in one hour. Task 1, which is worth ⅓ of the score, must be at least 150 words long. Task 2 is worth ⅔ of the score and must be at least 250 words long.
On the Academic IELTS, Task 1 involves summarizing the most important information from charts, graphs, diagrams, and/or other visual prompts. On the General Training IELTS, test-takers write a letter for Task 1. The topic and purpose of the letter (i.e. to complain, request information, etc) is provided in the prompt
Task 2 is a formal academic essay. In the second IELTS Writing task, test-takers will respond to an essay prompt. They will need to give their opinion on an issue, supporting their point of view with details and examples. IELTS Writing Task 2 is the same on both versions of the test
Special Tips for IELTS from ChasingBeans Consultant
Let’s start with some arrival tips. You really should arrive early on test day. You should do this not just so you can find the test center and check-in, but also so you aren’t shut out of the test center for being too late. In most test centers, you are not allowed to enter after 8:45 am.
Now, let’s look at what you should bring to the test, and what you should be prepared to leave outside the testing room. You will only be allowed to have a pencil, eraser, scrap paper, and ID in the test center. Of these three things, only the ID will be a personal belonging; you’ll use a pencil, eraser, and paper provided by the examination center. You will be expected to leave all other personal belongings outside the test room. If you are wearing an overcoat of any sort, you may also be required to leave that behind.
Don’t speak up out of turn, but don’t be shy about raising your hand for permission to speak. If you need to go to the bathroom or have any other important request or question, put your hand right in the air. A test center worker will come over and help you.
Now, let’s talk about answer sheets. In Reading and Writing, fill out the answer sheets as you think of the answers. In Listening, you can write the answers quickly on scrap paper, and then enter them into your answer sheet after you’re done with all of the audio tracks. You have 10 minutes to fill in the Listening answer sheet at the end of the section.
Don’t forget your Speaking interview appointment, and always remember that it’s not automatically scheduled at the same time as the other three parts of the IELTS. Make sure should check your Speaking test schedule online before test day, and save the date and time in your phone or planner. The Speaking test may take place in the afternoon on the same day or the day after the test day.
IELTS Band Score Chart-The Nine Bands are described below:

Expert User
It has a completely operational command of the language: appropriate, precise and fluent with a complete understanding.    
Very good user
It has fully operational command of the language with only occasional inaccuracies and unnatural language choices. Misunderstandings may occur in unknown situations. It can handle complex and detailed argumentation well.    
Good User
It has operational command of the language, although with occasional inaccuracies, unnatural language choices, and misunderstandings in some situations. You can use and understand relatively complex language, particularly in situations that are familiar to you.
Competent user
He generally has an effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, unnatural language choices, and misunderstandings. You can use and understand a relatively complex language, particularly in family situations.    
Modest user
He has partial command of the language, which allows him to face the general meaning in most situations, although he is likely to make many mistakes. You must be able to handle basic communication in your own field.    
Limited user
Basic competence is limited to very familiar situations. He has frequent problems with comprehension and expression. You cannot use complex language.
Extremely limited user
Transmits and understands only the general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent communication failures occur.
Intermittent user
Real communication is not possible, except the most basic information with isolated words or short constructions in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
No User
Real communication is not possible, except the most basic information with isolated words or short constructions in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoke and written English.
Did not try the test
No evaluable information was provided.

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Source: GujGovtJob

What is the purpose of IELTS, in relation to other Cambridge exams?

Compared to other Cambridge exams, the IELTS is much more useful for immigration purposes or for university admission. Other Cambridge exams such as PET, FCE, and BULATS are used almost exclusively for employment in private companies, instead of being used for the formal granting of medical licenses, the issuance of visas of qualified migrants and acceptance in the degree programs.

What is the purpose of IELTS, in relation to other Cambridge exams?

What is the purpose of the IELTS General?

The IELTS General Training or IELTS General Training test is designed to assess English language skills for work. This version of the exam is mainly used for immigration purposes. The IELTS General Training exam is the only English test accepted for immigration to New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada. Australia and the United States admit both IELTS and TOEFL scores for immigration purposes.

What is the purpose of the Academic IELTS?

But the IELTS General Training Test is not used only for government purposes. Large multinational companies sometimes use the IELTS General Training test scores to assess the ability of their workers in English. So those who take this exam can use the report with their IELTS General Training Test scores to get a job in some cases.

What is the purpose of the Academic IELTS?

There are two versions of the IELTS: the IELTS Academic test and the IELTS General Training test. The Academic IELTS evaluates college readiness. The exam determines if someone has the language skills necessary to study an English degree program. The IELTS Academic exam is similar to the TOEFL. For this reason, many universities that accept IELTS also accept TOEFL (especially in North American institutions).

What is the purpose of the Academic IELTS?

The Academic IELTS Test is mainly applied to international students who wish to apply for a student visa in English-speaking countries such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, etc. However, some stricter universities require all students with training in a language other than English to take the IELTS, even if they have permanent residence or citizenship in the country where they want to study.

In the United States, government agencies also use TOEFL to issue visas for qualified migrants and license for health professionals. Because of the Academic IELTS exam is more similar to the TOEFL than the General Training IELTS, sometimes the Academic IELTS Test is used to assess the English skills of foreign workers in the United States.